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LEANSIM - Lean Simulation Laboratory

The laboratory was structured in partnership with the companies ENGENHO Consultoria and FlexSim Brasil, with the initiative of Prof. Cristiano Torrezan, Associate Coordinator of CPO - Operational Research Center. The laboratory will focus on developing research in Simulation of Operations Engineering and Productive Processes, including the game Lean Board Game.

LEGOS - Laboratory for Studies in Sustainable Operations Management

This laboratory already exists and is recognized by the FCA Research Commission. He is dedicated to developing research in the area of Production Engineering, directing his efforts in the development of work in Operations and Quality Management.

OBELOG - Regional Observatory for Logistics

The Laboratory will focus on developing research and data consolidation in the area of Production Engineering, directing its efforts in the development of works and grouping of links and data on supply chain management, production and logistics, in order to facilitate and encourage research in Planning, Design and Development of Logistics and Production Chains.

SBLab - Sustainable Business Laboratory

The laboratory aims to generate knowledge about Planning and Quality Management, within a systemic approach that favors the mapping of specific activities, promoting analysis and the use of tools aimed at improving performance (efficiency and operational effectiveness). The Sustainability approach to production chains seeks a better understanding of the dynamics of various sectors, through the analysis of indicators and intra and inter-chain relationships, and analysis of the value chain.

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